Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Gateway 1.7. pre-order

Gateway PCB is in fabrication, and I'm hoping for the best that there will be no errors on PCB. It will have following parameters:
  • MCU ATmega1284P, 16KB RAM, 128KB Flash.
  • 8 analogue inputs for balanced PIR sensors.
  • 4 digital inputs for simple sensors, like door/window reed switches.
  • 1 box tamper input.
  • TWI/I2S expansion connector for up to 4 additional 8 channel analog inputs.
  • 2 relay outputs with selectable 12V power out.
  • RS485 protected interface for wired nodes.
  • RFM69HW for wireless nodes and sensors, pigtail and rubber antenna.
  • W5500 10/100Mbps Ethernet for web interface and MQTT.
  • SIM900 GSM modem for SMS alerting, pigtail and rubber antenna.
  • RTC clock with separate battery backup with NTP synchronization.
  • 512kb EEPROM as logger
  • Power Off and Empty battery inputs.
  • Standard FTDI Arduino programming interface.

I have been so bold that I put it on pre-order in the BUY section on right for 72EUR or 79USD.

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