Little later that I wanted here is 3D picture of new GW PCB version 1.6. I have already send it for fabrication. Wish me luck. :)
There is still 1284P, new WIZ5500, SIM900, new dual power supply, new analogue protection circuit and RFM69HW. It comes in 10*13cm size and will have nice big connectors.
OHS is open source based burglar alarm and automation platform. It can work as new alarm gateway, or it can replace your old alarm panel. OHS can use any wired 12V sensor, PIR, smoke or reed switch. It has Web interface that is used to set it up. OHS has GSM modem that is able to send SMS or page you. It has radio interface for environmental sensors. OHS is self-contained, it does not need any cloud service, only optional SMTP server for emails, or MQTT server to publish collected sensor data.