Friday, November 17, 2023

Alarm State Machine / Group Zones Example

Just to update of gateway configuration page,  I've created a state machine diagram showing arm/disarm cycle.Also here is an example of my own groups (Garage, House) and zones (PIR, reed) setting for ground floor. You can see here how authentication unit is attached to particular zone. Only these zone is then set up with authentication delay. That is, when someone trips these zones there is time allowed for the person to authenticate. All other zones in house group trigger the alarm state immediately. You can read more about it in zone's setting.


Friday, October 27, 2023

Updated Radio NodeMini with STM32

Here comes the updated version of Radio Node Mini on STM32f103. There are only a few visual changes, like places for the required pull-up resistors for the I2C bus. I add them automatically when someone orders the optional HTU21D temperature/humidity sensor. Other than that, only silkscreen labels are enhanced. But the most important fact is the change of way I make those boards. 

The chip crisis is fading out and with it all the components are getting cheaper. This brought me to an idea to use fabrication services. And since I'm getting busier and I value my free time even more, I tried to compromise and I let the new nodes be assembled and soldered at the PCB shop. I invested the effort into making a small panel of the boards and created BOM and CPL files for the machine assembly. 

Make it short, the service is great. Actually it allows me to lower the price of the Mini Nodes, simply because it takes me much less time. And not only by saving my labor time, but also the components are priced similarly, or sometimes even cheaper, to my preferred shop TME. There are only a few cosmetic problems with the micro USB ports, or the micro buttons which are not always aligned, but the boards are nicely soldered and even cleaned of the residue flux.

To celebrate this accomplishment, I made a new graphical pin-out diagram for the STM32 Radio Nodes Mini. Take a look:

Friday, January 6, 2023

STM32 Radio Nodes Mini

STM32 Radio Nodes Mini are here and available for sale in my shop and on

I created this board to use it as base for various battery powered sensors I use at, and around my house. It is evolution of my Radio Mini Node based on ATmega328P, but instead of ATmega, it's using STM32F103 (basically well known BluePill). It suited for RFM69HCW(CW) or various LoRa RFM9X(RFM95/96) modules. It can have an u.UL connector for pigtail, or it has a solder pin for simple wire antenna. It comes with micro USB charging for 3.7V Li-ion cells with capacity ranging from 500mAh to 2000mAh. Quite good are 102050 (1000mAh) or 102550 (1500mAh) with JST-PH2.0 connector, that are almost matching the size of this board. It also includes battery voltage measurement connected to MCU analog pin. USB port can be used for programming, or as serial port. It has also standard ST-LINK SWD port. There are RESET and BOOT0 push buttons for convenience. Then there is also external RTC quartz crystal which allows indefinite sleeps instead of ATmegas maximum 8 seconds. It has LED on PC13. Also on top, there's a place to mount various temperature/humidity sensors like HTU21D. PCB comes with mounting holes to fit in various places.

Specification is as follows, it's STM32Duino BluePill compatible board with STM32F103C8:

  • Size 24 x 49 mm (0.95 x 1.92 in)
  • STM32F103C8 - FLASH 64KB, SRAM 20KB, Max. 72MHz @ 3V3.
  • 8MHz main crystal, RTC 32.678kHz crystal.
  • USB charging designed for 3.7 Li-Ion battery (500 - 2000mAh). Great thermal dissipation.
  • Included, but not soldered, JST PH2.0 battery connector.
  • Charging state (Hi-Z) available on pin PA8 via NO(Normally Open) PCB jumper.
  • Voltage measurement on PB1 pin via 2:1 voltage divider, consuming 2,1uA @ 4.2V.
  • LED on PC13, with NC(Normally Closed) PCB jumper.
  • ST-LINK SWD 4-pin connector (3V3, SWDIO, SWCLK, GND).
  • RESET and BOOT 0 push buttons. BOOT 1 (PB2) pulled-up by 100k resistor.
  • SPI1 routed to RFM69/RFM9X modules. PA4(CS), PA5(SCK), PA6(MISO), PA7(MOSI)
  • NO PCB jumper for Radio Reset routed to PB11.
  • NC PCB jumper for Radio Interrupt(DIO0) routed to PA3
  • PCB footprint for HTU2XD, SHT2X, SI70XX humidity/temperature sensor routed to I2C.
  • Optional HTU21D humidity and temperature sensor.
  • RFM69HCW 868Mhz as soldered on option.
  • Optional u.FL antenna connector.
  • Optional high quality 20cm u.FL to SMA pigtail.
  • Optional rubber SMA 868/915MHz antenna.

The consumption of the board alone is around 60uA while MCU is in deep sleep, when clocked at default 72MHz. With soldered on RFM69HCW radio module and temperature/humidity HTU21D, the consumption raises to around 120uA while sleeping. This is about the same as a normal Li-Ion 1500mAh self-discharge current. It is enough to keep the node sending packet every 10 minutes for many months with a 1000mAh battery.