Sunday, December 8, 2024

GW Firmware Updates

Recently, there have been a few noteworthy updates to the GW firmware, primarily from the new GW owners. As always, the latest version 1.5.4 is available on the GitHub  releases page.

Here are some key changes:

  • Automatic republishing of zone states to MQTT after reconnecting to the MQTT server. This is useful when updating Home Assistant (HA).
  • The lwIP network library has been updated to stable version 2.2.0.
  • mDNS has been added, both as a client and resolver. The GW is now accessible at http://ohs.local, eliminating the need to search for its DHCP-assigned address.
  • A test alert feature has been added to the web interface, making it easier to verify that all alert paths are properly configured directly from the browser.
  • A new alert path has been introduced. Now, all alerts can be propagated to the MQTT topic /OHS/alert and subsequently consumed in HA.
  • The shell, accessible via USB, now allows for resetting the web admin user to its default settings.